The natural manner of Scuderia is one of quietness and patience due to his daily routine of simply presenting himself to automotive supporters and enthusiasts. While his appetite involves feeding upon other museum exhibitions such as trophies, artworks and the occasional dash of motor oil, as he roams the quite gallery spaces of an evening once all the visitors and staff have left for the day. Scuderia is situated within the upper "F" wing gallery space due to his significance within the perception of formula one automobile history.
The architectural form of Scuderia’s environment portrays a modernist contextual juxtaposition to the remainder of the city. Such conveys and enhances the historical aspect of the overall project with reference the historical presentation of Scuderia. One identifies this through the representation of the city in terms of the simplistic, modern and contemporary style with reference to the buildings . Such combined with the modern form of the gallery eludes a sense of historical exploration as the aged city represents movement through history itself while the gallery presents a standing in time, presenting the past for the present.
The structural form of the museum portrays and represents the initials of the museums title in the form of Formula Automobile. Such that an extrude ‘F’ lies upon an extruded ‘A’ creating a series of unique gallery spaces within. The spaces take advantage of the geometrical shapes in terms of creating a smooth social flow through the museum, as it remains open to the journey of the visitor while still providing a necessary sense of direction and division. The unique interior architectural form is particularly evident within the sectional images as the angular forms of the spaces become evident. Such to include the perception of the spaces at hand as they enhance the notion of a smooth social flow and dynamic throughout the museum. The architectural juxtaposition is evident with the projects site plan as the dramatically contrasting forms become evident. Although the structures throughout the site and the city are of reasonable geometrical principles, it is through the manner in which such shapes and principles are placed together that creates such a contrast between aging history and contemporary modernism.
Draft Poster

Poster Grid
The image above portrays the grid I intend on using for the layout of my poster. The layout produces a boarder around the exterior of the main body of content in the center. Such directs the eye towards the content. For the draft poster submission I have decided to experiment with the grid, by doubling it across next to each other to experiment with the notion of symmetry.
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